Spam management with Microsoft Exchange Server

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Spam management with Microsoft Exchange Server

Postby Mike.Sheen » Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:07 pm

Just thought I'd like to share our spam and virus management method.

We use Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 (We will upgrade to 2007, when I have the energy - each time we mess with Exchange Server it costs me a night of sleep), and found that even using the built-in Intelligent Message Filter and connection filtering using RBL's (SORBS, SpamCop, et al), we still got heaps of spam (95:5 spam ratio).

Recently I installed Microsoft AntiGen (A recent Microsoft Aquisition), and found that since doing so, our spam levels dropped close to 1%.

So, if you (or your customers), are using Microsoft Exchange, and have a spam problem then this is worth trying out!
Mike Sheen
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Jiwa Financials

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Re: Spam management with Microsoft Exchange Server

Postby Hyperus » Tue Feb 26, 2008 5:01 pm

We also add-on ORF when MS Anti-Spam doesnt deliver everything the client wants. It blends into MS exchange as an smtp event sink - which suits the bill nicely... we have it in production on 2 exchange 2003 sites and 2 exchange 2000 sites.

Its biggest benefit is with Exchange 2000 (which cannot validate recipients) to block the payload if the recipient is invalid. This product (ORF) can use ldap for recipient validation (against active directory) before accepting the smtp payload (Exchange 2003 has this feature built in.

It has a number of other awesome easily configurable features and has live stats... simply brilliant

Roy Adams - aka Hyp :)
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Re: Spam management with Microsoft Exchange Server

Postby nathan.mcdonald » Thu Mar 06, 2008 9:41 pm

Can you get Antigen for free ?

I found a trial version. Does it come with the Microsoft Packs ?

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Re: Spam management with Microsoft Exchange Server

Postby Mike.Sheen » Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:39 pm

nathan.mcdonald wrote:Can you get Antigen for free ?

I obtained it from the MSDN member site... I'm unsure if it's free for existing Exchange licence holders or not.
Mike Sheen
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Re: Spam management with Microsoft Exchange Server

Postby Mike.Sheen » Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:06 pm

Well, our spam levels have increased so much that Antigen loads our poor mail server so much, it can't keep up.

I did some research and found a Greylisting SMTP sink for Exchange called JEP(S) from

I've implemented this here at Jiwa, and that coupled with the Antigen spam / virus scanning as well as the Built-In Exchange features, and we've found our spam levels drop to zero the last week.

JEP(S) - weird name, I know! - is quite effective at filtering out the spambot type mail - those sending emails that don't implement a retry, and coupled with RBL's (JEP(S) allows you to specify RBL's), it's really cut down our spam.

If you find spam an issue, and you use Exchange, give JEP(S) a go, along with some RBL's - I'm sure you'll find it quite effective.
Mike Sheen
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Jiwa Financials

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