Jiwa 6.x Ability for Integration?

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Jiwa 6.x Ability for Integration?

Postby Fieldy » Tue Dec 07, 2021 10:19 am

I am in the process of investigating a solution for a client to integrate custom software (.net with EF framework) with their version of Jiwa 6.x.
Searching for documentation shows that this isn't supported anymore however I was hoping there was some technical documentation somewhere still available to review options for the client.
We are wanting to send through invoicing data to Jiwa, single line item with supplier details and a few custom fields I believe is already available on the client's instance.

I was hoping that the following questions could be answered also:-
Is there an development license or what is the typical steps a 3rd party vendor would take to integrate with Jiwa.
How does Jiwa consume data? Rest Api or landing zone where the file is brought in via an importer?
Is there a Postman collection that we could use?
What format does invoice data need to be sent in?

Ideally we don't want to send test data to their production system.
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Re: Jiwa 6.x Ability for Integration?

Postby Mike.Sheen » Tue Dec 07, 2021 11:45 am

Hi Fieldy,

Version 6 was last updated 12 years ago, so I'd urge you to get them updated to version 7 which does have a REST API and is continually being updated. It would be better for everyone if they were on the latest version, and tried to stay fairly up to date moving forwards.

We are wanting to send through invoicing data to Jiwa, single line item with supplier details and a few custom fields I believe is already available on the client's instance.

1. As you mention supplier details, I can only assume by Invoice you mean a supplier invoice, not a sales invoice? Sales invoices can be imported using standard tooling we included in version 6 for importing from XML - but not supplier invoices - can you clarify which type of invoice you wish to import?

Is there an development license or what is the typical steps a 3rd party vendor would take to integrate with Jiwa.

2. No need for a development licence, you can use a demo licence which is good for 2 concurrent users. It requires the Company Name in the system configuration to be "Jiwa Financials Evaluation".

How does Jiwa consume data? Rest Api or landing zone where the file is brought in via an importer?

3. In version 6 it's all XML files. We have a file watcher tool which can pick up and import the files. Version 7 has a REST API.

Is there a Postman collection that we could use?

4. In version 7 there is!

What format does invoice data need to be sent in?

In version 6, we only support XML. Version 7's REST API can accept XML, Json or CSV.

Ideally we don't want to send test data to their production system.

5. Typically you'd setup a copy of their database and test your integration with that first.

Mike Sheen
Chief Software Engineer
Jiwa Financials

If I do answer your question to your satisfaction, please mark it as the post solving the topic so others with the same issue can readily identify the solution
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Re: Jiwa 6.x Ability for Integration?

Postby Fieldy » Thu Dec 09, 2021 10:13 am

Hi Mike!

Thanks for that I will relay that information on to them.
Yes sorry I did mean supplier Invoice. Good to know about that current limitation.
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