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maximum user error

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:33 pm
by ted.nsw
I'm using JIWA 6.5.12 on Windows 2008 server.

The problem is, JIWA sometimes says we reach the maximum number of users, but it's not.
We have 20 user license, but in the Windows remote desktop manager, we have only 16 users.
Is there any monitoring tool to display current login user ? or any reset all login users tool ?

If anyone knows about this, please reply here.

Thanks in advance.

Ted Ahn

Re: maximum user error

PostPosted: Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:53 pm
by Mike.Sheen
To see the number of CALs Jiwa thinks is being used, you can run a query in SQL Server Management Studio identical to that which Jiwa uses:

Code: Select all
SELECT hostprocess, MAX(hostname) hostname, COUNT(DISTINCT hostprocess) CALs
FROM Master.Dbo.SysProcesses
WHERE Program_Name = 'Jiwa Financials'
GROUP BY hostprocess

You should see results something like this:
SQL Management Studio

If you're finding you only have 16 users but 20 CALs used, then it may be a case of Jiwa running in the background, or connections failing to close. If you're using RDS then as an administrator, look at the running processes and count the number of jiwa.exe's running - if you see more than you expect, then in some users sessions they may have a jiwa running in the background (may happen if the application crashes) - terminate that process and run the above query again to see if that reclaimed the CAL.

Restarting SQL Server will always result in all CALs being freed - perhaps that's an option - like a daily SQL Server restart at 5am. Often we've seen this behaviour when users are logged in for extended periods, so a daily SQL server restart (Stop and restart of the SQL service, not a reboot) may help.


Re: maximum user error

PostPosted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:27 pm
by ted.nsw
Dear Mike,

Thanks a lot.
I will keep in mind.


Ted Ahn