Archiving. Takes ages but nothing happens  Topic is solved

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Archiving. Takes ages but nothing happens

Postby DannyC » Thu Jan 10, 2019 1:27 pm

Version 7.2
I've tried archiving on 7.2 a few times & it seems to work OK.

Have a newly upgraded database with donkeys years of data, so I am getting rid of old transactions. I've tried in the past on this clients data & it went through successfully.
So now I am doing it again on a freshly upgraded database. I have configured the provider as required.

When I execute the archiving job, it takes a few hours (around 3) but when completed nothing is showing in the history tab, and when I do a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SO_Lines it can see that nothing has been deleted. There's no error or anything.
How can I find out whats up?
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Re: Archiving. Takes ages but nothing happens  Topic is solved

Postby DannyC » Sat Jan 12, 2019 2:48 pm

Sussed it out.

The reason it was failing was because there was simply too much data to archive. I guess SQL Server #tmp tables were filling up and SQL just couldn't handle it. No errors though.

I wanted to just keep 7 financial years of data so I had to do it in two hits.
I added a provider date selection to just keep the last 10 years of data. Started out with 12,900,000 rows in SO_Lines. Running the first job left me with 8,300,000 rows.

The I reran the original job to just keep the last 7 years which completed successfully and left me with 5,900,000 rows.

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