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Manufacturing Work Order - Error when set status to "Closed"

Postby Luehman » Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:26 pm

After our recent upgrade to JIWA7 we are running our first few BOM's.

We have been able to activate several basic Manufacturing Work Orders however we have come up with 2 that have the same error when trying to set to closed. These are slightly more details BOM's as they include BOM's within BOM's (Assume this is permitted in 7 as it was in 6)
I am guessing it has something to do with insufficient stock for one of the lines but we are unsure where to find this and whilst set to "Started" it does not show any back orders, when set to "Closed" it has the error.
I am going to run a few test scenarios to see how things are displayed but with the huge change to this module since JIWA6 we are a little lost and have been unable to find any real information on the manufacturing module unless someone can point me to the correct resource.

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Re: Manufacturing Work Order - Error when set status to "Clo

Postby Mike.Sheen » Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:31 pm

Hard to tell where the problem is without digging deeper - but have a look at the component allocations tab (looks like yours is hidden - you'll need to unhide it):

What you want to see there is every output unit having enough inputs to satisfy the recipe.
Mike Sheen
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Re: Manufacturing Work Order - Error when set status to "Clo

Postby Luehman » Mon Mar 23, 2020 12:42 pm


Thanks again for your prompt response.

Please find below screenshot of Components allocations tab, is there any major change to what is accepted in Manufacturing compared to BoM in JIWA6?
We have both physical and non-physical parts in our BoM's along with BoM's within BoM's?

The outputs section is blank, When selecting "started" we had to choose serial numbers of components but nothing that shows in Red as on backorder or anything.

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Re: Manufacturing Work Order - Error when set status to "Clo

Postby Luehman » Mon Mar 23, 2020 2:43 pm

I've been able to replicate the issue in a test scenario.

It appears that if one of the BoM's within the main BoM has items on backorder this is the error however there is nowhere that actually identifies that the items are out of stock?

It also appears that when attempting to activate the BoM that has the error it creates actual "Work Order No's" for each subassembly. Is this normal?
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Re: Manufacturing Work Order - Error when set status to "Clo

Postby Luehman » Tue Mar 24, 2020 7:38 am

After replicating the error message by having "BOM1" with "BOM2" as a subassembly (Completely different BOM to previously), when trying to set status to closed knowing that BOM2 did not have sufficent physical stock to activate i was able to replicate the error message as suspected.

I then inserted enough stock to manufacture the sub assembly and attempted to set the status of BOM1 to closed, again the same error message.

I was then able to create a work order for BOM2 directly and set it to closed no problem, however after creating a new work order for BOM1 knowing that 3 of the parts are non physical and BOM2 now had sufficient stock as i have just activated it i still got he exact same message.

So from my very brief testing i have found that we are basically unable to have a BOM within a BOM? can this be confirmed as this is a major change from JIWA6 and we have many BOMs that contain over 20 BOMs some of which contain there own BOMs as they are all manufacturing parts that are sold individually as spare parts so we have them all set up as BOMs also.

ie, Portable Traffic Lights as Main BOM, within it there are BOM's for the trailer, wiring, computers, solar panel assemblies, lantern head assemblies, etc The computers then have their own BOMS for Fully loaded Mother Board, Case Hardware, etc. Some of our BOMs can have up to 4 levels which doesn't appear to be supported within JIWA7.

Error message after Assembling BOM2 as a separate work order then creating a new work order for BOM1 and attemping to close it.

Annotation 2020-03-24 072652.jpg

Annotation 2020-03-24 074050.jpg
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Re: Manufacturing Work Order - Error when set status to "Clo

Postby Mike.Sheen » Wed Mar 25, 2020 5:11 pm

Luehman wrote:So from my very brief testing i have found that we are basically unable to have a BOM within a BOM?

You certainly can have a BOM within a BOM - that is, an input for a work order can be itself a BoM - what we call a sub-assembly.

How it all works depends on your explode policy for the sub-assembly. If the policy is always explode, or it is when shortfalls and there isn't enough stock - starting the stage of the workorder will create a work order for each sub-assembly.

When those sub-assembly work orders are closed, they push stock back into the parent work order.

What are the explode policies for your current work orders?
Mike Sheen
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Re: Manufacturing Work Order - Error when set status to "Clo

Postby Luehman » Thu Mar 26, 2020 9:02 am

Mike, thanks for your reply we did find a thread regarding explode policy that we have read up on and got an understanding of it.
The default that has been coming up is Always, however when i did my test it was set to always and it did not create the separate work order for the sub assembly as i had expected it to?

We have tried to check the JIWA manual but it simply lists Manufacturing as an optional module and does not give any info on it? Do you have a manual on Manufacturing so that i can read into it?

From my understanding we start as forecast, then have to save, select started and save again, finally selecting closed and saving again to effectively "activate" the BoM to use JIWA6 terminology. This being a BoM with no serial number components nor final serial number.

Even with the most basic of BoM's (3 non physical components & 1 sub assembly which consisted of 2 non physical & 1 physical components) i was unable to get things to work.
Initially i wanted to test the error by ensuring the physical item had insufficient stock and received the error as expected, however after a stock transfer to ensure there was sufficient stock to close the work order i still get the same error? no sub assembly work orders have been created. I then tested again by creating a new work order in case the system didn't refresh stocks but it also had the error.
I was able to create a work order for the sub assembly directly and manufacture it and close the work order then putting it into stock however when again trying to manufacture the main assembly even with the sub assembly already in stock we still get the error.

I am going to recreate a BoM with all new part number in JIWA7 in case there is an issue with the conversion of BoM's from 6 to 7 as a theory however otherwise we are unable to manufacture any of our items that have sub assemblies since the upgrade.
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Re: Manufacturing Work Order - Error when set status to "Clo

Postby Scott.Pearce » Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:06 pm

I've checked with the documentation team and there is not yet any documentation available for the new v7 Manufacturing module. It is apparently on the way, however. When ready it will start appearing here.

We will endeavor to answer your questions in this thread. I'll have a read through what you have posted so far and run some through some scenarios to get myself up to speed with the behaviors of work orders, hopefully later today. Meanwhile I encourage you to fire up a demo database, create some test parts, and have a play with work orders at your end.

EDIT: You can also check with your dealer as to what their level of experience with Jiwa 7 Manufacturing is.
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Re: Manufacturing Work Order - Error when set status to "Clo

Postby Mike.Sheen » Fri Mar 27, 2020 5:55 pm

Luehman wrote:The default that has been coming up is Always, however when i did my test it was set to always and it did not create the separate work order for the sub assembly as i had expected it to?

Let's start with this point first.

If I create a work order in our demo data which has 2 sub-assemblies - in my test I used Bill 1089-AX - when I set change the status to started and save the 2 sub-assemblies do have work orders created:

You can tell the work orders are created by looking at the Quantity SubAssembly column - the value is non-zero and if you drill to that value a dialog opens showing the sub-assemblies created for that input:

WorkOrder_039_SubAssemblyDialog.png (13.65 KiB) Viewed 31209 times

From there you can even drill to the sub-assembly work order that was created.

If you're not seeing this in your work orders, ensure the following:
  • The Work Order has a production quantity set
  • The inputs have their Explode Policy set to Always for the sub-assembly items
  • The Work Order is set to a status of started

If you cannot progress past here, try with our demo data - just to ensure you're familiar with the process in data I know does work - so follow these steps in our demo data:

  • Create a new work order, select Bill 1089-AX
  • Change the explode policy for the two sub-assembly inputs to be Always
  • Set the production Quantity to 1
  • Save
  • Change the status to Started
  • Save

At this point the work order in demo data should have work orders created for the sub-assemblies.
Mike Sheen
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Re: Manufacturing Work Order - Error when set status to "Clo

Postby Luehman » Mon Mar 30, 2020 3:50 pm


Thank you for your explanation, I have our IT guy setting up the JIWADemo database so i can try your example.

I was just able to get our Work Order to close by going through the 27 sub assembly work orders and closing them individually, i found one of the sub assemblies had a part on back order but once i activated all the sub assembly work orders it worked.

Do we have to close each sub assembly work order individually each time?

I tried a workorder for the same product with explode set to "never" as we dont require the individual work orders but it says it cannot set to closed due to backorders, I then changed the explode policy to "When Shortfalls" and it creates a work order for each sub assembly. From my understanding it is creating this due to the sub assembly not being in stock not as a result of a sub assembly input being out of stock? Meaning we will have to assemble every individual sub assembly each time we wish to assemble a piece of equipment? Compared to JIWA6 which done so in the background and just alerted us to any inputs that were not in stock.
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