FX GRN costs

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FX GRN costs

Postby pricerc » Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:43 am

Request from my customer:

If there are open purchase orders (with old FX rate) receipted in after a FX rate change, GRN is changing the FX cost to keep the NZD cost the same.
We need the FX cost to remain and same, NZD cost can update as per the new rate.

For example, PO# XXXXX was sent in April when USD FX rate was 0.58 and now we have updated the USD FX rate to 0.65. If you receipt in this order, JIWA will update the FX cost from $4.30 to $4.82, keeping the NZD cost of $7.14.

I suspect a setting (e.g. Update Suppliers Cost or Update Home Landed Cost), but I'm not sure which one, and I don't want to ask the customer to experiment.

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Re: FX GRN costs

Postby Scott.Pearce » Tue Dec 08, 2020 9:40 am

This sounds like a bug, and the various possible default behaviors are always a hotly debated topic. I suggest you lodge a support ticket over at https://service.jiwa.com.au/servicedesk/customer/portal/3/user/login.

I ran through some scenarios in demo data and agree with your assertion, when the FX Rate is changed on the GRN, the FX Cost is changing, but it should be the NZ cost that changes. Our support department will have a better handle on what is "correct".

Something for you to be aware of that can affect behaviour in the purchasing cycle - we keep track of which field the user last changed, and this dictates recalculation of the other fields. We even track this between PO, GRN, and PI (PO_Lines.UnitChanged, FXChanged, ExChanged, TaxRateChanged). If someone edits the Total Inc, they want all other values to be calculated FROM Total Inc. If they change Unit Ex, they want all other values to be calculated FROM Unit Ex. There can be variations depending on which way calculations are made, particularly when dealing with many small cost items.
Scott Pearce
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Re: FX GRN costs

Postby pricerc » Tue Dec 08, 2020 10:19 am

Thanks Scott.

I'll do a bit more evidence gathering before logging it.

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