Automatic Allocations impacting Aged Creditors Reports  Topic is solved

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Automatic Allocations impacting Aged Creditors Reports

Postby FP Accounts » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:28 pm

Hi all,

JIWA 7.0.157 query
Got another one I hope someone can help me with.
We use the Automatic Allocation function when applying creditor payments. This appears to apply to 2 decimal places, however when we run our Aged Creditor Detailed reports, we have lines of transactions with 0.00, or -0.01 balances appearing. Example attached.

Is there a fix that removes the need to regularly run scripts to correct, while still being able to use the Auto Allocate??

Filters Plus
CR aged Bal Report for Forum use.doc.pdf
Extract of 1 Creditor aged balances showing 0.00 lines
(207.58 KiB) Downloaded 1476 times
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Re: Automatic Allocations impacting Aged Creditors Reports

Postby Scott.Pearce » Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:09 am

I cannot reproduce this situation. How are the transactions getting into Jiwa - via an external application?
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Re: Automatic Allocations impacting Aged Creditors Reports

Postby FP Accounts » Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:36 pm

Hi Scott,

All of the steps to enter CR invoices, payments etc are done internally in JIWA. Creditor Payments are done through the Cash Payment forms. All CR invoices are entered using the CR module.

At the moment we are doing a regular truncate script over the relevant data-sets to resolve.

I was just hoping there was a permanent solution.

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Re: Automatic Allocations impacting Aged Creditors Reports

Postby Scott.Pearce » Tue Nov 21, 2017 2:53 pm

Are the suppliers (creditors) involved using FX?
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Re: Automatic Allocations impacting Aged Creditors Reports  Topic is solved

Postby Mike.Sheen » Tue Nov 21, 2017 6:59 pm

FP Accounts wrote:I was just hoping there was a permanent solution.

Hi Claire,

We're interested in providing a permanent solution, but first we need to know the cause. The first step is having a sequence of steps we can follow to reproduce the issue.

If you can provide those, then we'll be on our way to fixing the issue.

There are some challenges to this, as Jiwa as a lot of configurable options, and also the problem may only occur with specific sets of data. The most expedient way to solve this is for you to send us a copy of your database, and also provide the sequence of steps needed to follow in order to cause the issue - we can then restore your copy of your database in our testing environment and manually replay the steps you provide - then we'll be sure to isolate the problem and come up with a solution.

Mike Sheen
Chief Software Engineer
Jiwa Financials

If I do answer your question to your satisfaction, please mark it as the post solving the topic so others with the same issue can readily identify the solution
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