Print multiple copies based on a value in the sp

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Print multiple copies based on a value in the sp

Postby Atronics » Fri Jan 15, 2021 10:46 am

We are using a value in an sp that determines the number of mixes for a particular work order. e.g. the production line has a limited capacity, so we split the WO into batch sizes (Production qty =100, line capacity =20, so the number of mixes = 5). In this scenario we need to print 5 copies of the WO. The pages will be identical except for Mix No x of y.
How do I achieve this?
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Re: Print multiple copies based on a value in the sp

Postby pricerc » Mon Jan 18, 2021 5:06 pm

Off the top of my head...

An option may be to make your existing report a sub-report in a new report.

The sub-report would be in the 'details', and your group would be based on the copy #.

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