Use a couple of formulae in Crystal. One to build the concatenated list of serial nos (UpdateSerialConcatenation), and another to print out the results (ShowConcatenatedSerials). UpdateSerialConcatenation needs to be placed in a details section, supressed, and perhaps modified to reset the string on change of InvoiceLineID.
- Code: Select all
StringVar ConcatenatedSerials;
If ConcatenatedSerials <> "" Then
ConcatenatedSerials := ConcatenatedSerials + ", ";
ConcatenatedSerials := ConcatenatedSerials + {SO_LineDetails.SerialNo};
To print the output:
- Code: Select all
StringVar ConcatenatedSerials;
Have a play around with the above approach and see what you can come up with. If using MNT30000 - Invoice.rpt, you may need to delete the existing SerialNumbers subreport, and link SO_Lines and SO_LineDetails into the main report for these formulae to work.