Am doing a fairly simple (or so I thought) modification to MNT40001- Purchase Order to show Quantity as the UoM quanity and Unit as the UoM unit name.
A join (LEFT OUTER) from PO_Lines to IN_UnitOfMeasure in the report results in an error when trying to print preview.
I am suspecting it is because the RecID is uniqueidentifier and the CR previewer doesn't like it. That my suspicion as I've done these kind of joins hundreds, possibly thousands of times so I'd like to think I know what I'm doing. But as far as I know, this is the first time a RecID has been designed as uniqueidentifier.
What tweak do I need to do to use the IN_UnitOfMeasure in reports such as MNT40001? Ideally I just need to check that if a UoM exists i.e IsNull(PO_Lines.IN_UnitodfMeasure_RecID) or alternatively IsNull(IN_UnitOfMeasure.RecID) then use the UoM values for Quantity and Unit, else just use the existing PO_Lines values.
I guess the most obvious solution is to completely change the report source to a stored procedure?
(move the post to the Crystal Reports forum if more appropriate there).