Location of UPC, EAN numbers in database  Topic is solved

Support for Microsoft SQL Server in the context of Jiwa installations.

Location of UPC, EAN numbers in database

Postby JuiceyBrucey » Mon Mar 01, 2021 11:50 am

Hi, when looking in the jiwa interface for inventory items, there is an input for UPC which I presume is also the EAN and barcode number.
When I looked in the SQL database IN_Main table for this field, it does not exist. In my clients table, this data is (sometimes) stored int he Aux2 field of the IN_Main table.
Is this the actual location of this data, or is it located in another dependent table?
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Re: Location of UPC, EAN numbers in database  Topic is solved

Postby JuiceyBrucey » Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:04 pm

This is resolved.
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