Flag or record when period rollover done  Topic is solved

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Flag or record when period rollover done

Postby DannyC » Wed May 08, 2024 3:19 pm

I've been hunting through the database and documentation to find out if there is something that indicates when a period rollover is completed.
I can't find anything.

Is there something? A boolean somewhere? A record written to some table?

If not, I could probably knock up a plugin that checks if the process button has been clicked and write a record to a custom table.
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Re: Flag or record when period rollover done  Topic is solved

Postby Scott.Pearce » Wed May 08, 2024 5:51 pm

If you want a database-level indicator you could look at the system settings "CreditorLastWeeklyRolled", "CreditorLastFortnightlyRolled", "CreditorLastMonthlyRolled", "DebtorLastWeeklyRolled", "DebtorLastFortnightlyRolled", "DebtorLastMonthlyRolled", "DebtorLastCustomRolled". The date of the selected roll type(s) gets recorded.
Scott Pearce
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Re: Flag or record when period rollover done

Postby DannyC » Wed May 08, 2024 5:58 pm

That'll do Scott. Should be sufficient for what I need.

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Re: Flag or record when period rollover done

Postby SBarnes » Wed May 08, 2024 7:05 pm

Sometimes having the full story helps, Danny is looking to fire something else off when Month end is run/finshed by the user i.e a real month end, unfortunately there is a slight problem with looking at the fields Scott mentioned if you run a Recalculation of Balances Only the fields get updated, I just tried it to be sure.

To do it and be sure you would need to attach to PeriodRollover object's RollDebtorsEnd event in the form and then look at the OnlyRecalculateBalances property on the object and write some other flag to look for in the database, you could still do this to SY_SysValues you would just have to set up your own unique row.
Stuart Barnes
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