Jiwa 7 Plugin SalesOrder.SaveStart event parameter EventArgs  Topic is solved

Discussions relating to plugin development, and the Jiwa API.

Jiwa 7 Plugin SalesOrder.SaveStart event parameter EventArgs

Postby indikad » Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:02 pm

The signature of the SaveStart event handler specifies the following 2 parameters
ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As EventArgs

however I cannot declare the subroutine for my event call with the parameter type EventArgs. The compiler does not recognise it.

I probably can get by using type object ,but EventArgs would be nice so I can get the intellinsense working and also I will then know what possibilities I have with that parameter too.

see my code below

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Public Sub Setup(ByVal JiwaForm As JiwaApplication.IJiwaForm, ByVal Plugin As JiwaApplication.Plugin.Plugin) Implements JiwaApplication.IJiwaFormPlugin.Setup
        '--- step 002  - all these lines below
        _salesOrderForm = DirectCast(JiwaForm, JiwaSalesUI.SalesOrder.SalesOrderEntryForm)
        AddHandler _salesOrderForm.SalesOrder.SaveStart, AddressOf SalesOrderSaveStart      
    End Sub
    '--- step 003 this sub below
   Private Sub SalesOrderSaveStart(ByVal sender As Object , ByVal e As EventArgs  )      
        MsgBox("hello from sales order save - new")      
    End Sub
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Re: Jiwa 7 Plugin SalesOrder.SaveStart event parameter Event  Topic is solved

Postby indikad » Wed Jan 22, 2014 4:41 pm

resolved - its System.EventArgs

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