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Multi debtor sales order/invoice

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 4:50 pm
by DannyC
Version 7.1.
I've had a doozie asked today.
I wonder if it is possible to split up a sales order to different debtors?

So the scenario is, this client is in a sector where funding for their invoices may come from different sources.
When they raise a sales order, let's say it's for $10,000 then $5,000 may be paid for by DebtorA, $3,000 by DebtorB, and $2,000 by DebtorC.

In 6.5.13, they've been creating separate sales orders but as I am in an upgrade project for them I wonder if it might be possible in 7.1?

Re: Multi debtor sales order/invoice

PostPosted: Thu Nov 02, 2017 6:51 pm
by SBarnes
Hi Danny,

The closest thing that I am aware of is Process_DebtorTransactionsStart on the sales order that is available in 7.01.00 it has the signature

Code: Select all
public void Process_DebtorTransactionsStart(JiwaFinancials.Jiwa.JiwaSales.SalesOrder.SalesOrder SalesOrder, ref List<JiwaFinancials.Jiwa.JiwaSales.SalesOrder.SalesOrder.DebtorTransaction> DebtorTransactions, ref List<JournalSet> JournalSets)

and you apply it as

Code: Select all
salesorder.Process_DebtorTransactionsStart += Process_DebtorTransactionsStart;

This will do what you are asking but only against the same debtor.

You could then theoretically after the processing of the sales order then credit the broken up transactions and move them to another debtor through debtor transactions in the background but it would be messy.

This all I can think of unless Mike or Scott have a better idea.

Re: Multi debtor sales order/invoice  Topic is solved

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2017 11:04 am
by Mike.Sheen
DannyC wrote:I wonder if it is possible to split up a sales order to different debtors?


DannyC wrote:So the scenario is, this client is in a sector where funding for their invoices may come from different sources.
When they raise a sales order, let's say it's for $10,000 then $5,000 may be paid for by DebtorA, $3,000 by DebtorB, and $2,000 by DebtorC.

In 6.5.13, they've been creating separate sales orders but as I am in an upgrade project for them I wonder if it might be possible in 7.1?

There could be some guidance we can give for working out some processes to achieve this - but we'd need a lot more information about the nature of this - such as how do you define which debtors and what their share of the sales order is, are you shipping physical items and if so how would all that work and so on.

Best to give our support people a call or schedule a meeting if you're really wanting us to assist with this - the scope is broader than just programming so not really something we can address in this forum.