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Search Screen without SQL

PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 3:24 pm
by SBarnes
I know, it's possible to do a custom search by creating a search option and setting the SQL, is there a way to use the screen not on the database but with say a data table as the row source, so you could fill the data table with what you want?

Or is there another screen this could be done with?

Re: Search Screen without SQL

PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 4:04 pm
by Mike.Sheen
Hi Stuart,

We don't have an alternative search dialog, but one could make a custom dialog - you'd have to intercept ribbon tool clicks and grid button clicks in the SetupBeforeHandlers method to display your custom dialog and then react appropriately - it'd be a bit tedious, but mostly possible. I say mostly because there may be cases where it wouldn't be possible without modifying our forms to add event handlers in to allow a substitute dialog - either that or replicating a lot of the code in forms which expect to be dealing with our standard search dialog.


Re: Search Screen without SQL  Topic is solved

PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 5:07 pm
by SBarnes
Hi Mike,

Thanks although I was hoping for a different answer :lol: .

The only other way I have thought to do it that would not involve reinventing the wheel is the poor man's option and create a table in the database and fill it with the possible values that could be available, say a list of database names in system settings for instance and then call the appropriate custom search with the SQL to get what the user wants the setting to be, of course it might need a field for say user id given it would have to be a permanent table to only get the available results for the current user.