Rhys.C wrote:It's happened again this month, no transactions found for the 31/03/2022. Transactions are in Xero and it has been working fine during the month. I suspect the issue is related to the Cash Book Receipt's 'date create' (i.e. 01/04/2022) is in the next period. Anyone else having this issue? Although it's only one day out of the month that's affected it would be great if this can be resolved.
Yikes, your post went unnoticed for a couple of reasons.
#1 is you're posting in a topic which has been marked as "solved". The OP who created the topic is who marks it as solved. Best not to piggy-back on other people's topics with new or additional issues.
#2 is this topic is in the "Features and Enhancements" sub-forum. This is aimed at making suggestions for new features or improvements - technical and support issues have their own forums.