Jiwa Financials 06.05.13 Released

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Jiwa Financials 06.05.13 Released

Postby Mike.Sheen » Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:17 pm

06.05.13 has been released.

This release is available immediately for download - login to the Jiwa partner page and download from there.

Here's a list of the significant enhancements :

  • Sales Order Freight and Freight System Integration
    The ability to define carriers, services and freight types had been added.
    Users can attach a freight carrier and related services and items to a sales order, as well as consignment information. Additionally Jiwa now seamlessly integrates with the SmartFreight product from IFS. Jiwa pushes information to SmartFreight about the order and Jiwa reads back from SmartFreight the consignment notes, costs, etc.

  • Added drop shipment fields to sales orders
    Sales orders can now be flagged as a "drop shipment" and the addressee specified.

  • Added Country field to addresses
    All address fields now have a country field

  • Added XML support to creditor purchases / payments / adjustments batches
    You can now import and export these documents in XML format - either from the user interface or via the existing import framework.

  • Updated Credit Card Processing Integration
    The integration with PayPal (formerly Payflow Pro by Verisign) has been updated to use their latest API, and added some new functionality - users can now enter in the CVV2 number, and the Jiwa sales order is pushed into PayPal's COMMENT1 field to make searches easier from the PayPal manager website.

  • Added more transformation options for XML importing using the Jiwa XML Import command-line utility
    Importing XML from different formats previously required an XSL document to be provided, now a stored procedure can be nominated to perform the transform, or a DLL.

  • Added option to route outbound email via outlook
    A new system setting allows all emails sent from within Jiwa to use the locally installed Outlook client.

For a look at all the changes in detail, including the bug-fixes, check out out bugzilla bug-tracking database at http://bugs.jiwa.com.au/buglist.cgi?que ... e=06.05.13
Mike Sheen
Chief Software Engineer
Jiwa Financials

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Re: Jiwa Financials 06.05.13 Released

Postby Mike.Sheen » Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:07 pm

Oh - remember 06.05.13 does not support - AND WILL NOT WORK WITH - SQL 2000 - only SQL 2005 or 2008.

Several people have already been caught out with this. When we say "not supported", we really mean it!

You WILL get problems upgrading, as the schema upgrade scripts are using features not supported on SQL 2000 - YOU WILL GET ERRORS - and you will not be able to upgrade.

Why did we cease SQL 2000 support ? The main reason was a bug (which we reported to Microsoft) in a query used by a report throwing an error. The bug was fixed in SQL 2005, and Microsoft stated that due to a "regression risk" they could not provide a fix for SQL 2000.

Other reasons is the support and development complexity of supporting 3 versions SQL server and 5 operating systems (now XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Vista and Windows 7).

We plan the next release to refuse to commence an upgrade if the SQL server is SQL 2000.
Mike Sheen
Chief Software Engineer
Jiwa Financials

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