Breakout - SO- Customise your invoices being emailed

Discussions relating to 3rd party solutions (customisations, reports, modules, applications) which are a value-add to the Jiwa product.

Breakout - SO- Customise your invoices being emailed

Postby Hyperus » Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:57 pm

Breakout - SO- Customise your invoices being emailed

This is breakout to perform content customisation for one-off outgoing invoices that are emailed from Jiwa via the Sales Order Entry menu.
Note that this DOES NOT customise the Email content from Batch Email Invoices - this will be discussed in a different article.

from Jiwa :-
JIWA - Sales Order Entry - Sales Order Entry
Record Menu - Utilities - Manage Breakouts

Left-Click "Form Email Invoice Clicked" Breakout
add this one line at the top :-

Code: Select all
' Form Email Invoice Clicked

From = Chr(34) + "Your Company Name Here" + Chr(34) + " <[email protected]>"
BCC  = "<[email protected]>"
Subject = "YOUR COMPANY NAME Invoice : " + NameToGiveAttachment + " - " + Subject + " - Attached"
Message = _
+ "Please find attached our invoice(s)" + VBCrLf _
+ VBCrLf _
+ "Enquiries regarding this account can be made to our contact details below.  Alternatively email [email protected]" + VBCrLf _
+ VBCrLf _
+ "Payments can be made by Direct Deposit to YOUR BANK, BSB: XXX-XXX A/C No. YYYYY-YYYY A/C Your Company Name Pty Ltd or by posting cheque to PO Box XXXX,  Suburb, State, XXXX." + VBCrLf _
+ VBCrLf _
+ "Thank you for your continued support.  We look forward to being of service again in the future." + VBCrLf _
+ VBCrLf _
+ "_________________________" + VBCrLf _
+ "Invoice Senders Name" + VBCrLf _
+ "Your Company Name Pty Ltd" + VBCrLf _
+ "Email:-  mailto:[email protected]" + VBCrLf _
+ "Web:-" + VBCrLf _
+ "Phone:- (XX) YYYY YYYY" + VBCrLf _
+ "Fax:- (XX) YYYY YYYY" + VBCrLf _
End Sub

dont forget to leave the "End Sub" line at the end.
Click OK, Click Close, Close Sales Order Entry and ReOpen Sales Order Entry.

/Roy Adams
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