Plugin Scheduler Service. File stays in pending

Discussions relating to plugin development, and the Jiwa API.

Plugin Scheduler Service. File stays in pending

Postby DannyC » Wed Jan 15, 2020 11:50 am

What scenarios would cause the plugin scheduler service used for file imports into Jiwa (i.e. file watcher) to move a file quickly from the Watch folder to Pending, then just stay in Pending?
No events at all in the application log.
Version 7.0.175.

Some files work OK, others just stay in Pending.
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Re: Plugin Scheduler Service. File stays in pending

Postby pricerc » Wed Jan 15, 2020 2:44 pm

it's breaking and not being trapped by an error handler that can log it to the event log.

I did some funky stuff for file monitoring in 175. I'll see if I can find what I did and post something.

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Re: Plugin Scheduler Service. File stays in pending

Postby DannyC » Wed Jan 15, 2020 5:13 pm

That'd be great Ryan. Thanks.
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Re: Plugin Scheduler Service. File stays in pending

Postby pricerc » Thu Jan 16, 2020 4:52 pm

1) I only have handy access to the VB code, so I can't offer actual plugins, but this will hopefully get you some answers.

2) I've anonymised/generified this code in NotePad++, and I have no easy way of testing this, so there are probably bugs, possibly even compile-time errors.

My folder watcher solution is split over several VB plugins.

Doing it this way allowed me to setup a 'base' class and have multiple different folder watchers; where the 'folder watcher' code is common, but the 'document processing' part is separate.

If you only have one importer, then you can put all of these into one big plugin, but that will make it less flexible.

If using multiple plugins, you need to set the priority of the plugins to match the dependencies, or you will get compilation errors. You may also need to restart JIWA in between adding individual plugins so that you can compile the following dependent plugins. If you have any challenges making plugins dependent on other plugins, just raise them back here.

The plugins (in priority/compilation order) are:

1) File Importer Interface & Base Class - As in a .NET Class interface IAerpFileImporter, and a base class AerpFileImporterBase for inheriting from. Specific implementations are instantiated by the generic folder watcher. (this will hopefully make more sense with some code).

In hindsight, the Interface is probably unnecessary, but it's something I've got into the habit of using, so I'll leave it here.

Code: Select all
Imports System

Namespace AERP
    Public Interface IAerpFileImporter
        Property WatcherKey As String
        Property WatchFolder As String
        Property FileFilter As String
        Property ProcessingFolder As String
        Property FailedFolder As String
        Property CompletedFolder As String
        Property LogFolder As String

        Function LoadDocument(fileName As String) As Integer
    End Interface
   Public MustInherit Class AerpFileImporterBase : Implements IAerpFileImporter
        Public Property WatcherKey As String Implements IAerpEdiFileImporter.WatcherKey
        Public Property WatchFolder As String Implements IAerpEdiFileImporter.WatchFolder
        Public Property FileFilter As String Implements IAerpEdiFileImporter.FileFilter
        Public Property ProcessingFolder As String Implements IAerpEdiFileImporter.ProcessingFolder
        Public Property FailedFolder As String Implements IAerpEdiFileImporter.FailedFolder
        Public Property CompletedFolder As String Implements IAerpEdiFileImporter.CompletedFolder
      Public Property LogFolder As String Implements IAerpEdiFileImporter.LogFolder
        Public MustOverride Function LoadDocument(fileName As String) As Integer Implements IAerpEdiFileImporter.LoadDocument
    End Class
End Namespace

2) File Importer Implementations - one or more plugins with classes that implement IAerpFileImporter (or Inherit from AerpFileImporterBase)

This is a very bare example. Since every import will be very specific, you'd need to roll your own from this base.

In our case, simple XML transforms were never going to be enough, since the customer orders we were loading needed to be validated against business rules during the import. And we were dealing with different XML formats from several different large franchise operations. So we have five different importer classes.

This sample is based on one our imports that could have one or many documents, and had slightly different XML for each scenario. Mostly, I'd expect a file to be a bit more consistent, and have only one code path per file.

If using multiple plugins, this could also be done in C#, even if you retained the rest of my code in VB.

Code: Select all
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.Linq

Namespace AERP

    Public Class AerpSampleImporter
        Inherits AerpFileImporterBase

        Public Overrides Function LoadDocument(fileName As String) As Integer
            Dim _xmlDocument As XDocument = XDocument.Load(fileName)

            Dim result As Integer = 0
            Dim root = _xmlDocument.Root()

            ' very primitive sanity checks.
            If root.Name = "Document" Then
                ' single Document file
                result += ProcessOneDocument(fileName, root)
            ElseIf root.Name = "Documents" Then
                ' multiple Documents in one file
                For Each item As XElement In root.Elements("Document")
                    result += ProcessOneDocument(fileName, item)
                ' error
                Return -1
            End If

            Return result
        End Function

        Public Function ProcessOneDocument(fileName As String, document As XElement) As Integer
                ' TODO: process the document

                Return 1

            Catch ex As System.Exception
                ' TODO: Report Error
                Return 0

            End Try
        End Function
    End Class
End Namespace

3) The folder watcher class itself. This is the actual 'watcher'. One of its properties is an implementation of IAerpFileImporter, which is called to do the importing of an individual file.

It creates any missing folders (Processing, Failed, Complete). By default, sub-folders of the 'watched' folder, but can also be explicitly specified by setting the relevant properties on your IAerpFileImporter-derived class.

It also includes some logging to file, which I found more useful than logging to an event log, because it's easier to find it over the network.

Code: Select all
Imports JiwaFinancials.Jiwa
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports AERP

Namespace AERP
    Public Class AerpEdiFileWatcherEventArgs
        Inherits System.EventArgs

        Public Property Importer As IAerpFileImporter
        Public Property FilePath As String
        Public Property ItemsImported As Integer

        Public Sub New()
        End Sub

        Public Sub New(importer As IAerpFileImporter, filePath As String, itemsImported As Integer)
            Me.Importer = importer
            Me.FilePath = filePath
            Me.ItemsImported = itemsImported
        End Sub
    End Class

    Public Class AerpFileWatcher
        Public Plugin As JiwaApplication.Plugin.Plugin

        Public Property WatcherKey As String
        Public Property Importer As IAerpFileImporter

        Private FileSystemWatcher As System.IO.FileSystemWatcher

        Private _watcherLogFile As String

        Public Event FileImport(sender As Object, e As AerpEdiFileWatcherEventArgs)

        Public Sub New(Plugin As JiwaApplication.Plugin.Plugin, importer As IAerpFileImporter)
            Me.Plugin = Plugin
            Me.Importer = importer
        End Sub

        Public Sub Start()
            If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Importer.WatcherKey) Then Throw New InvalidOperationException("WatcherKey not specified")

            If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Importer.WatchFolder) Then Throw New InvalidOperationException("WatchFolder not specified")

            If Not IO.Directory.Exists(Importer.WatchFolder) Then Throw New DirectoryNotFoundException(String.Format("Folder '{0}' not found.", Importer.WatchFolder))

            If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Importer.LogFolder) Then
                Importer.LogFolder = IO.Path.Combine(Importer.WatchFolder, "Logs")
            End If

            If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(Importer.LogFolder) Then
            End If

            _watcherLogFile = GetVersionedFileName(Path.Combine(Importer.LogFolder, "FileWatcher.Log"))

            If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Importer.ProcessingFolder) Then
                Importer.ProcessingFolder = IO.Path.Combine(Importer.WatchFolder, "Processing")
                LogMessage(_watcherLogFile, String.Format("AERP File Watcher using default folder: '{0}' for {1}", Importer.ProcessingFolder, Me.WatcherKey))
            End If

            If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(Importer.ProcessingFolder) Then
                LogMessage(_watcherLogFile, String.Format("AERP File Watcher created folder: '{0}' for {1}", Importer.ProcessingFolder, Me.WatcherKey))
            End If

            If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Importer.CompletedFolder) Then
                Importer.CompletedFolder = IO.Path.Combine(Importer.WatchFolder, "Complete")
                LogMessage(_watcherLogFile, String.Format("AERP File Watcher using default folder: '{0}' for {1}", Importer.CompletedFolder, Me.WatcherKey))
            End If

            If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(Importer.CompletedFolder) Then
                LogMessage(_watcherLogFile, String.Format("AERP File Watcher created folder: '{0}' for {1}", Importer.CompletedFolder, Me.WatcherKey))
            End If

            If String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Importer.FailedFolder) Then
                Importer.FailedFolder = IO.Path.Combine(Importer.WatchFolder, "Failed")
                LogMessage(_watcherLogFile, String.Format("AERP File Watcher using default folder: '{0}' for {1}", Importer.FailedFolder, Me.WatcherKey))
            End If

            If Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(Importer.FailedFolder) Then
                LogMessage(_watcherLogFile, String.Format("AERP File Watcher created folder: '{0}' for {1}", Importer.FailedFolder, Me.WatcherKey))
            End If


            FileSystemWatcher = New FileSystemWatcher
            FileSystemWatcher.Path = Importer.WatchFolder
            FileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter = (NotifyFilters.LastWrite Or NotifyFilters.FileName Or NotifyFilters.Size)
            FileSystemWatcher.Filter = Importer.FileFilter
            FileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = True

            AddHandler FileSystemWatcher.Created, AddressOf OnCreated
            ' because moving things into this folder from another folder on the same disk is a rename.
            AddHandler FileSystemWatcher.Renamed, AddressOf OnRenamed


            LogMessage(_watcherLogFile, String.Format("AERP File Watcher started monitoring folder: '{0}' for {1}", Importer.WatchFolder, Me.WatcherKey))
        End Sub

        Public Sub ImportAllFilesInWatchFolder()
            ' Import any files already in the watch folder
            For Each file As String In System.IO.Directory.EnumerateFiles(Importer.WatchFolder, Importer.FileFilter)
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200) ' wait a few ticks before doing the next one
        End Sub

        Private Sub OnFileImport(ByVal FullPath As String)
            If File.Exists(FullPath) Then

                    ' Wait until we can get exclusive access, or until we exceed the retry period.
                Catch ex As Exception
                    LogMessage(_watcherLogFile, String.Format("Failed to get exclusive access to: '{0}'.", FullPath))
                End Try

                Dim processingFileName As String = Path.GetFileName(FullPath)
                Dim processingFileNameAndPath As String = Path.Combine(Importer.ProcessingFolder, processingFileName)

                    ' prefer processing file to have original name, but don't want to block if there's already one there.
                    If File.Exists(processingFileNameAndPath) Then processingFileNameAndPath = GetVersionedFileName(processingFileNameAndPath)
                    ' Move to processing folder             
                    File.Move(FullPath, processingFileNameAndPath)
                    LogMessage(_watcherLogFile, String.Format("Moved File '{0}' to '{1}'", FullPath, processingFileNameAndPath))

                    ' Hack to try and eliminate invoice number collisions on import.
                    Dim randomWait As Integer = Guid.NewGuid().ToByteArray(0)

                    ' Create EventArgs to hold results of the import
                    Dim fileWatcherEventArgs = New AerpEdiFileWatcherEventArgs(Importer, processingFileNameAndPath, 0)

                    ' Raise the event to do the actual file import
                    RaiseEvent FileImport(Me, fileWatcherEventArgs)

                    Dim targetFileName As String
                    If fileWatcherEventArgs.ItemsImported > 0 Then
                        ' Move to succeeded folder
                        targetFileName = GetVersionedFileName(Path.Combine(Importer.CompletedFolder, processingFileName))
                        ' Move to failed folder
                        targetFileName = GetVersionedFileName(Path.Combine(Importer.FailedFolder, processingFileName))
                    End If

                    File.Move(processingFileNameAndPath, targetFileName)
                    File.SetLastWriteTimeUtc(targetFileName, DateTime.UtcNow)
                    LogMessage(_watcherLogFile, String.Format("Moved File '{0}' to '{1}'", processingFileNameAndPath, targetFileName))

                Catch ex As System.Exception
                    LogMessage(_watcherLogFile, String.Format("Failed to import: '{0}': {1}", processingFileNameAndPath, ex.ToString()))

                End Try
            End If
        End Sub

        Private Shared Sub WaitForFile(FullPath As String)
            Dim retryCount As Integer = 0
            Dim maxRetries As Integer = 5
            Do While True
                    Using fs As New FileStream(FullPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite, FileShare.None, 100)
                    End Using
                Catch ex As System.Exception
                    If retryCount > maxRetries Then
                        Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format("Unable to read {0}", FullPath))
                        retryCount += 1
                    End If
                End Try
        End Sub

        Private Sub OnCreated(source As Object, e As FileSystemEventArgs)
        End Sub

        Private Sub OnRenamed(source As Object, e As RenamedEventArgs)
        End Sub

        Public Sub StopWatching()
            RemoveHandler FileSystemWatcher.Created, AddressOf OnCreated
            RemoveHandler FileSystemWatcher.Renamed, AddressOf OnRenamed
        End Sub

        Public Sub LogMessage(logFileName As String, messageText As String)
            Dim lfi = New FileInfo(logFileName)
            Dim lf = lfi.AppendText()

            lf.WriteLine("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ff}: {1}", Date.Now, messageText)
        End Sub

    End Class
End Namespace

4) The schedule plugin. Doesn't actually run the folder watcher on a schedule, since the folder-watcher is event-driven in the first place. When the service starts, it instantiates one or more watcher instances. You could even start the same one multiple times, each pointing at a different folder.

Code: Select all
Imports JiwaFinancials.Jiwa
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports AERP

Namespace AERP
    Public Class ScheduledExecutionPlugin
        Inherits System.MarshalByRefObject
        Implements JiwaApplication.IJiwaScheduledExecutionPlugin

        ' XXXXXXXX put your log file somewhere useful
        Private LogFileName As String = "I:\FTP\EdiServiceLogs\ServicePlugin.Log"

        Private _plugin As JiwaApplication.Plugin.Plugin

        Public Sub OnServiceStart(ByVal Plugin As JiwaApplication.Plugin.Plugin) Implements JiwaApplication.IJiwaScheduledExecutionPlugin.OnServiceStart
            _plugin = Plugin

            ' Start watching the folders
            LogMessage(LogFileName, "Starting")

            ' XXXXXXXX put your log file somewhere useful
            AddWatcher(New AerpSampleImporter() With {.WatcherKey = "Folder1", .WatchFolder = GetAerpSystemSetting("Import Folder 1","I:\FTP\Folder1\Received"), .FileFilter = "*.XML"})
            AddWatcher(New AerpSampleImporter() With {.WatcherKey = "Folder2", .WatchFolder = GetAerpSystemSetting("Import Folder 2","I:\FTP\Folder2\Received"), .FileFilter = "*.XML"})
        End Sub

        Public Sub OnServiceStopping(ByVal Plugin As JiwaApplication.Plugin.Plugin) Implements JiwaApplication.IJiwaScheduledExecutionPlugin.OnServiceStopping
            LogMessage(LogFileName, "Stopping")
            For Each i As ImportWatcher In _importerList.Values
                If i.Watcher IsNot Nothing Then
                End If
        End Sub

        Public Sub Execute(ByVal Plugin As JiwaApplication.Plugin.Plugin, ByVal Schedule As JiwaApplication.Schedule.Schedule) Implements JiwaApplication.IJiwaScheduledExecutionPlugin.Execute

        End Sub

        Private Structure ImportWatcher
            Public Key As String
            Public Watcher As AerpFileWatcher
            Public Importer As IAerpFileImporter

            Public Sub New(key As String, watcher As AerpFileWatcher, importer As IAerpFileImporter)
                Me.Key = key
                Me.Watcher = watcher
                Me.Importer = importer
            End Sub
        End Structure

        Private Shared _importerList As New Dictionary(Of String, ImportWatcher)

      ''' Perform a file import.
        Private Sub FileImport(sender As Object, e As AerpFileWatcherEventArgs)
            LogMessage(LogFileName, String.Format("Importing {0} for {1}...", e.FilePath, e.Importer.WatcherKey))
            Dim importer = _importerList(e.Importer.WatcherKey).Importer
            e.ItemsImported = importer.LoadDocument(e.FilePath)
        End Sub

      ''' Register the folder watcher.
        Private Sub AddWatcher(importer As IAerpFileImporter)
            LogMessage(LogFileName, String.Format("Adding watcher for {0}...", importer.WatchFolder, importer.WatcherKey))

            Dim watcher As AerpFileWatcher = New AerpFileWatcher(_plugin, importer)
            watcher.WatcherKey = importer.WatcherKey
            If Not IO.Directory.Exists(importer.WatchFolder) Then IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(importer.WatchFolder)
            _importerList.Add(importer.WatcherKey, New ImportWatcher(importer.WatcherKey, watcher, importer))
            AddHandler watcher.FileImport, AddressOf FileImport
            LogMessage(LogFileName, String.Format("Watching {0} for {1}...", importer.WatchFolder, importer.WatcherKey))
        End Sub

        Public Sub LogMessage(logFileName As String, messageText As String)
            Dim lfi = New FileInfo(logFileName)
            Dim lf = lfi.AppendText()

            lf.WriteLine("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ff}: {1}", Date.Now, messageText)
        End Sub
    End Class
End Namespace


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Re: Plugin Scheduler Service. File stays in pending

Postby DannyC » Tue Mar 03, 2020 4:58 pm

I've found the line in the watcher plugin which its failing on.
Code: Select all
RaiseEvent FileImport(pendingFileNameAndPath)

Note there is no event logging, nothing to indicate any problem. The file just stays in the Pending folder.
I've got nothing else to go on at this stage so any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Re: Plugin Scheduler Service. File stays in pending

Postby SBarnes » Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:05 pm

There is actual error handling that can be added in see ... ing-events
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Re: Plugin Scheduler Service. File stays in pending

Postby Mike.Sheen » Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:41 pm

SBarnes wrote:There is actual error handling that can be added in see ... ing-events

It looks like this answer in that question is the most appropriate answer - to log the error and restart the watcher. That answer is a little aggressive in the retrying - it waits 30 seconds and retries up to 120 times before giving up - I'd want to fail a lot faster than that - wait 1 second and retry 5 times only.

Finding the error which caused the watcher to fail is going to be useful to identify the problem and avoid the error again instead of just blindly restarting the watcher.

I recall a year or two ago I came across one watcher that was failing because there was a thumbs.db file in the watch folder. The watcher couldn't move that file, so it failed. Adding a line of code to skip operations of any file named "thumbs.db" did the trick. So, knowing the error will allow you to perform the same skip - if the problem is with a particular file you shouldn't be interested in operating on.

I've also seen watchers fail because someone has a csv in the watch folder open in Excel, which places an exclusive access lock on the file. Logging is key here.
Mike Sheen
Chief Software Engineer
Jiwa Financials

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Re: Plugin Scheduler Service. File stays in pending

Postby SBarnes » Tue Mar 03, 2020 6:58 pm

Mike.Sheen wrote: Logging is key here.

I was saying exactly that to Danny about an hour ago, appropriately masking the input is not a bad idea either particularity given anything that is text can have the danger of getting parsed and causing some funny exceptions.
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Re: Plugin Scheduler Service. File stays in pending

Postby DannyC » Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:26 pm

Finding the error which caused the watcher to fail is going to be useful to identify the problem and avoid the error again instead of just blindly restarting the watcher.

I logged pretty much every line of code to the event log and found the actual failing line is
Code: Select all

which is inside the code block
Code: Select all
   Private Sub XMLFileImport(ByVal FileName As String)
        ' Import the file using the import queue manager
      SyncLock JiwaFinancials.Jiwa.JiwaApplication.Manager.CriticalSectionFlag         
           Dim importQueueManager As JiwaImportQManager.ImportQueueItemCollection = _plugin.Manager.BusinessLogicFactory.CreateBusinessLogic(Of JiwaImportQManager.ImportQueueItemCollection)(Nothing)
         Dim queueItem As JiwaImportQManager.ImportQueueItem = _plugin.Manager.CollectionItemFactory.CreateCollectionItem(Of JiwaImportQManager.ImportQueueItem)
         queueItem.TransformedXML = File.ReadAllText(FileName)
         queueItem.Status = JiwaImportQManager.ImportQueueItem.ImportQueueItemStatuses.ReadyForImport
         If queueItem.Status = JiwaImportQManager.ImportQueueItem.ImportQueueItemStatuses.Failed Then
            Throw New System.Exception(queueItem.ImportErrorMessage)
            XMLWatcher.LogToEventLog(String.Format("Imported XML from File '{0}'", FileName), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit)            
         End If
      End SyncLock
   End Sub

How can I debug further
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Re: Plugin Scheduler Service. File stays in pending

Postby Mike.Sheen » Tue Mar 03, 2020 10:41 pm

DannyC wrote:How can I debug further

Wrap queueItem.Process() in a try catch and in the catch log the exception ToString(), and then throw (to preserve behaviour).

Also why use the JiwaImportQManager to import XML documents? That should work, but we only had an example in our File Watcher plugin which uses the JiwaImportQManager for legacy support - to make upgrading old version 6 systems easier.

Something to consider.
Mike Sheen
Chief Software Engineer
Jiwa Financials

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